Chichester District Council has selected its preferred development partner, Henry Boot Developments, to deliver the Southern Gateway regeneration project. There has been a delay in the developer publishing their proposal for the Redevelopment and this has provided the opportunity for the Society to bring to their attention “The Height Limited Underpass “, proposed by the Society as a solution to the level crossing problem which blights the Southern Gateway.
This they did in a letter to the developer on 22 June in which they noted that Chichester District Council had concluded with their Regeneration Master-Plan that there was nothing that could be done to remove the crossings despite the public response in the consultation, and in other surveys, that the crossings should be removed.
The letter also referred to the Society’s disappointment at Chichester District Council’s handling of the consultation process as expressed in the Society’s March 2018 Newsletter in the article “Consult, then carry on regardless”. They also referred the developer to 3 articles -”Southern Gateway- A Better Solution”, “A Height Limited Underpass” and “Introducing The Forum Quarter” (the Gateway+ proposal which the Society supported) in the December 2018 issue.
The Society urged the developer, the District Council, West Sussex Council and Network Rail to take this ultimate opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past.
More details of the proposed underpass can be found on this website here
Our proposal was prompted by the long held view that the level crossings are the worst aspect of access to Chichester. Then the Chichester District Council (CDC) failed to effectively address this issue in their Southern Gateway Regeneration Masterplan. Our proposal doesn’t have the disruptive aspects or excessive cost of a road bridge or deep underpass and we now want the authorities to seize perhaps this last chance and conduct the necessary feasibility studies. The negatively perceived features of underpasses can be designed out and we concur with CDC that the Stockbridge Road crossing could be retained as a bus gate giving a level alternative The Chichester Society membership are local residents , some of which, including me, live within the Southern Gateway . By promoting this issue The Society’s Executive Committee are re-acting to the CDC consultation of their Masterplan which we regard as highly flawed in that much public input was disregarded (see Chi Soc March 2018 Newsletter lead article ” Consult then carry on regardless”). We welcome views that are not in concurrence and hope that in raising the profile of this debate, CDC will be bound to consider what is the right outcome to this issue for the City, its residents and visitors.
As a resident near the level crossing
I OBJECT to an underpass for many reasons, just another down gradient for pedestrians, just another flood risk ,limited pavement space in underpass, place where antisocial behaviour can and will happen, just like every underpass it will be an eyesore and totally negligent towards urban railway level crossing heritage and awful for the community.
The train gates and level crossing are a wonderful nod to a more tranquil heritage of the city –
A modern underpass eyesore which Will create building pollution noise and abject havoc to its neighbours NO THANKS