
Our main form of communication with our membership is through our Newsletter which is issued quarterly – March, June, September and December.  If matters of interest arise between issues of the Newsletter we aim to place them on this website.

If you need to contact us about such matters as membership, planning applications or subscriptions, or have a question about the Society please go to our contact page here where you will find the email addresses to use.

Do note our policy regarding ‘Comments, Enquiries and Feedback’ in our Privacy Policy –  all responses are moderated to consider their appropriateness and we may decide to edit the comments, unapprove them or delete them at our own discretion.

You can also follow us on Twitter – our ‘Tweets’ appear opposite on every page.

If you seek more considered and detailed views, browse through previous issues of our Newsletters (a darn good read, even if we do say so ourselves).

A guide to finding information on the website is available here.

If you like what you see, and are not already a member, why not join the Society.

Please be aware of our Terms and Conditions for the use of this website and of our Privacy Policy as regards the use we make of your information