

The Society’s interests in Planning

The Society and CCAAC (Chichester Conservation Area Advisory Committee) consider the output from various authorities (principally West Sussex County Council, Chichester District Council and Chichester City Council) and respond as needed – particularly if they affect the City and its immediate surroundings. The main regular focus is on planning matters be it, for example, the local plan or individual planning applications.

The Society maintains a particularly close watch on major housing developements such as that west of the City in what was Whitehouse Farm. The aim is always to be constructive in responses. Be aware that a response is not made if there are no substantive comments to make.

From ‘Chicanery’ published by the Chichester Society

Summaries of the Society’s responses to planning applications are published on this website as individual posts. Fuller details about the individual applications can be found on the Council’s planning application site by entering the planning reference on the Council’s site .

For information on the Local Plan go here
For information on the Neighbourhood plan go here