
Here we provide links to some local services and organisations
Information about local Residents Associations can be found on the here

Notes on Freedom of Information Requests

Heritage, Leisure and Recreation

Here we provide links to some local services and organisations that  may be of use to you
Details correct as of  18 June 2021. Please note each link opens in its own tab.

Many of the following sites and more are summarised on Visit Chichester, www.visit

Chichester Cathedral,

Chichester Canal Trust,

Chichester City Tours,

Chichester Festival Theatre,

Chichester Harbour Conservancy,

Fishbourne Roman Palace,

Goodwood (motor & horse racing),

New Park Cinema,

Novium (District Museum),

Oxmarket Gallery,

Pallant House Gallery,

Weald and Downland Museum,

West Dean Gardens and College,

Westgate Leisure Centre,

Local councils and statutory bodies

Chichester City Council,

Chichester District Council,

Planning applications,

NHS in Coastal West Sussex,

St Richards Hospital,

South Downs National Park,

West Sussex County Council,

West Sussex Records Office,

Chichester BID (City Centre – Business Improvement District),


Details of individual schools, school holidays & admissions policies are provided on the West Sussex County Council website,

Chichester College,

University of Chichester,

Public Transport





Sussex Bus Company,


         West Sussex bus routes and guides,