A Residents Association (RA) is an organisation formed voluntarily by groups of people from a specific geographic community to address issues within their local area and act as a voice for their local community.
RAs may come and go as issues arise and as the issues are resolved. But many RAs are sustained as they provide a means for social interaction which binds and benefits the immediate and even wider community.
The following are the RAs which currently exist in and around Chichester and of which we are aware. You can find more information about their activities by following the links
East Broyle Residents Association,www.eastbroyle.org/
Graylingwell Park Residents Association,gpresidents.co.uk/
Newtown Residents Association, Chairman Keith Mitchelson is contactable at kmitchelson@me.com
Pallants Residents’ Association, Chairman Cedric Mitchell contactable at cedricm@about-architects.com Details of PRA available here
Parklands Residents Association, www.pra-chi.org.uk/
Summersdale Residents Association,www.summersdaleresidents.co.uk/
West Walls Residents Association, Chair – Denise Hollingbery is contactable at westwallsra@gmail.com
Westgate Residents Association,www.westgatera.org.uk
Westhampnett & Church Road Residents Association, Chair – ???
Whyke Residents Association, https://www.whyke.info/community/wra/