The Chichester Society objected to various matters that arose in the planning application from Miller Homes and Linden Homes concerning the erection of 73 dwellings in Land West of Centurion Way and West of Old Broyle Road.

In particular the following objections were made:
- The overlong access drive to the SANG car parking creates an un-necessary suburban
element of what is currently a country road out of the City. - The provision of tandem parking to most houses is a difficult feature in user experience.
- The implementation of the architectural character studies has been disappointing in particular with the provision of dummy chimneys, painted brick facades, uPVC windows and that more articulation of facades and attaching of detached houses to form architectural groups would improve place making.
- This first phase to be built is well screened, but is remote from all community facilities and the current 2 hourly bus service into the City produces a car dependent settlement.
- The preponderance of culs de sac adds to vehicle journey lengths.
- The affordable and shared ownership housing is readily identifiable ranged along the side closest to traffic noise rather than scattered throughout the estate.
The reference document in question is the West of Chichester Residential Architectural Design Strategy available to view here as Part 1 and Part 2.
Full details of the planning application 19/01134/REM and of comments made can be viewed on the Council website here.