Vote on options for the City’s local road network

The Chichester City Council, together with the residents of Chichester, are in the process of preparing a Chichester Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan can include planning policies,
infrastructure projects, and aspirations. They have produced a document Southern Gateway: Road opportunities  Chichester Neighbourhood Plan – Background document which examines how the local road network could be improved in the vicinity of the Southern Gateway redevelopment area. It follows on from public consultation through which residents expressed support for a bridge or underpass across the Basin Road level crossing and for re-routing cars out of the city centre.

The document sets out the existing situation with city centre highway routing and four options: Firstly, the two preferred options for highways changes that CDC is considering making, namely

  • – reducing the southern gyratory to one lane (option 10)
  • – building a new link road through the city centre (option 11)

Secondly, the City Council’s new options

  • – redirecting cars out of the city centre, pedestrianizing Southgate (option 12), and
  • – as above with an underpass at Basin Road level crossing (option 13)

There is also the option to stay as we are (options 0)

The options are out for consultation – to express  a choice or add a comment go to here.

Voting will close on 15 December 2020