Category Archives: Newsletters

The Newsletter published by the Chichester Socieety

December Newsletter published

A printed copy of the Newsletter is sent to members, while previous issues are available on the website – so if you’re not a member then do join so not to miss out on the latest!

1  Editorial
2  In Search of Chichester
3  Vincent Porter: a tribute Chichester’s heritage: research results
4  The Festival Theatre at 60
6  Coastal Partners: protection against the sea
8  UK Harvest: food for those in need
10 Winter 1962: the Festival Theatre
12 An architecture centre: thinking about the city
14 Tinwood: Chichester’s local vineyard
16 Now and Then at Eastgate Square
17 Planning appeals and farmland
18 The Society’s AGM
19 A decade of nature restoration
20 Support our advertisers!

September Newsletter published

A printed copy of the Newsletter is sent to members, while previous issues are available on the website – so if you’re not a member then do join so not to miss out on the latest!

1   Is Chichester fantastic?
2   Richard Williamson
4   Higher density housing
5   ChiSores too much graffiti
6   Monitoring water quality in Chichester Harbour
8   Pallant House Gallery’s 40th birthday
10 Platinum Jubilee weekend
12 The Cathedral and its bishops
14 Glorious walks around Chichester
16 Chichester’s new housing estates
18 The Society’s AGM
19 Reviewing Drawn to Nature
20 Support our advertisers!

June Newsletter published

A printed copy of the Newsletter is sent to members, while previous issues are available on the website – so if you’re not a member then do join so not to miss out on the latest!

1  Daffodil Field saved from development
2 We need a transport hub
4 The arts of Chichester
6 Why we need our trees
8 Breathing life into the city centre
10 Chichester Canal celebrates its bicentenary
12 H E Bates and Chichester
14 Women’s suffrage in this city
16 Twelve walks starting in Chichester
18 Then and now in East Street
19 Blue plaque for Sir Robert Raper
20 Support our advertisers!

December Newsletter published

A printed copy of the Newsletter is sent to members, and the previous issue is made available on the website – so if you’re not a member then do join!

1 Seasons greetings!
2 History in the Making – an invitation
3 We remember Michael Woolley
3 50 South Downs Villages
3 Whitehouse Farm
4 Unravelling the Southern Water fiasco
6 Housing delivery and the Local Plan
8 C G Stillman, Chichester’s chief 20th century architect
10 The Chichester Canal in winter
12 Chichester-Ravenna twinning: a 25th anniversary
14 A boundary walk around Chichester
16 AGM reports
17 Margaret Paren OBE on the South Downs National Park
18 Civic pride and why alarm bells should ring
20 Support our advertisers!