All posts by admin

A-Boards update – a blight or a boon to the city centre?

Crane St end A boardsThe Society in Jan 2014 counted over 200 A-boards within the city centre. In the right circumstances a few A-Boards can have a positive benefit in attracting custom to smaller and often independent shops. But 200+ is too many!

However, their use is deprecated by the Chichester District Council – see their guidance on ‘Shop Front and Advertisement Design’ here.  Alternative  business signage to A-Boards is being developed by the Chichester Business Improvement District (BID)

Chichester’s 2013 Street Art Festival

North Street 2 by HitnesThe Society generally welcomed this event. Some of the murals are fantastic! But we are concerned about painting on historic buildings that are listed under planning legislation as being very special.

The Society believes that should a Street Art Festival be organised in another year then more care must be taken to obtain the necessary permissions.

 Located in North Street (top)

Located in North Pallant (left), others  in Baffins Lane