Tag Archives: Whyke

Problems with the approaches to the Whyke roundabout A27 Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge

Alan Carn, Co-Chair Whyke Residents Association explains

At last we have the prospect of a safe crossing of the A27 at the Whyke roundabout.

The new bridge is in place and the approach steps and ramps appear to be in an advanced state of preparation. Highways have done what they were tasked to do, and the design (in my opinion as a long time teacher of Design) is quite pleasing and elegant.

The A27 problem has been solved, but unfortunately not the attendant problems of the B2145 (Whyke Road and Hunston Road).

Approaching the new bridge from Whyke Road, a pavement takes the pedestrian towards the A27 on the west side, but stops some 50 yards from the roundabout. Here it is necessary to cross Whyke Road in order to continue on the pavement which connects to the roundabout on the east side. At the roundabout it is necessary to cross to the west side again to access the new bridge. Drivers leaving the A27 and heading into town often seem not to appreciate that they are entering a 30 mph zone, and often exceed the limit, at just the points where pedestrians would be obliged to cross.

The Council are looking into the problem, but is seems unlikely that a solution will be in place when the new bridge is scheduled to open, or for some time after.

A similar problem exists on the Hunston Road side. The pavement on the West side connects directly to the bridge, but runs out a short distance from the roundabout.

To continue south, it is necessary to cross the road in order to pick up the pavement to Chichester Lakes, but at the entry point to the lakes, the pavement ends, and further progress towards Hunston is at the mercy of the traffic.

Crossing the Hunston Road at any point near to the roundabout is hazardous as the sight lines are restricted and the speed limit is an astonishing 50 mph!

There are other safe ways of accessing the bridge from the town side, but these are circuitous and not obvious. Similarly, there is a footpath to Hunston which crosses the fields behind the old Carmelite Convent and emerges by Canal Corner. Again not particularly obvious and no help to people wishing to visit the lakes or walk or cycle to The Mundhams.

Received 23 Jan 2017