In April 2018 The Chichester District Council approved outline planning application 14/04301/OUT “for the first phase of development for up to 750 homes with
access from Old Broyle Road, temporary access from Clay Lane, a local centre (with
associated employment, retail and community uses), primary school, informal and formal open space (including a Country Park), playing pitches, associated landscaping, utilities and drainage infrastructure with onsite foul sewage package treatment plant or pumping station with connection to Tangmere Waste Water Treatment Works“.
So, what visible progress has been made?
Well, a walk up Centurion Way on 20 April began to make clear – as shown below – the visual and environmental impact that this development will have on Chichester, irrespective of the benefits it will bring to those seeking homes of their own.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
What will disappear as a result of the development?
The first image below is from Google Earth and shows the original natural landscape, pre-development.

The second image shows the local landscape character and context as documented by WYG development consultants acting on behalf of Linden Homes and Miller Homes. It shows what ancient and distinctive features will be lost.

The third image shows the site plan from the original application and it is relatively easy to visually overlay this over the natural landscape image.