There is no underlying theme for this crossword.
7 Ill-lit (6)
8 Tend (4-2)
9 Monster (4)
10 Maize part (8)
11 One-eyed giant (7)
13 Bend down (5)
15 Incubate (5)
17 Limbless reptile (7)
20 Point where snow covers ground (4,4)
21 System of weights esp. gems (4)
23 Story not narrated (6)
24 Space devoid of
matter (6)
1 Sell or strike (4)
2 Of or relating to the north (6)
3 Fainting (med) (7)
4 Fame, honour (5)
5 Surgical knife (6)
6 Obstinate (8)
12 Desire (8)
14 Gain, obtain (7)
16 Stockman, rancher (6)
18 A coup (6)
19 An accent mark (5)
22 Large scale artistic work (4)
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