
From the archive, we offer some seminal documents.

Dating from 1973, there’s the influential article “Chichester’s Crossroads” which was published in the Architects’ Journal in September of that year. Then there are the Shark Leaflet distributed by the Society across the city, and the “City in Balance” Newsletter also distributed by the Society.

In March 2005 a Conservation Area Appraisal was published, commissioned by the Chichester District Council and was subsequently updated.`

From our more recent past in July 2013 came a “Plea to Councillors” for those who were to consider the Local Plan. It was produced by the Society and the Chichester Residents’ Association Group (CRAG). This was followed by “Chichester Today and Tomorrow” in October 2013 published principally to celebrate the Society’s 40th birthday, but also timely as a new Local Plan was in preparation.

In September 2014, to accompany that issue of the Newsletter, a 2 page insert titled “What Makes Chichester Special” was produced for those participating, or interested in the then forthcoming examination-in-public of the Chichester District Council’s Local Plan.