On the East side at 61 South Street you will find Prezzo’s, once The White Horse. This former inn dates back to at least 1533, having been mentioned then at an inquest to a local murder. However, it appears to have existed earlier as Ye Olde White House built in 1416 as the Chichester Law Courts.

The building was re-fronted in the eighteenth century, although the original Tudor timber-framed jetty can still be seen at the back of the building when viewed from West Pallant. A jetty is a building technique used in medieval timber-frame buildings in which an upper floor projects beyond the dimensions of the floor below. This has the advantage of increasing the available space in the building without obstructing the street.

You can still see the White Horse stained glass window and the original ornate eighteenth century wrought-iron bracket from which hangs a carved bunch of grapes which indicated the holding of a wine licence in the past.

The White Horse sign indicates patronage relating to the Duke of Norfolk a powerful landowner in the region.

Various masonic lodges, tradesmen’s societies and clubs met here and held their annual dinners, often with the Duke of Richmond in attendance. Such organisations included the Chichester and District Cyclist’s Club (who organised a ‘smoking’ concert in 1890), the Chichester Postmen, the Motor Cycling Club, the British Legion and the Priory Park Cricket Club.
The penalty for selling intoxicating liquor during prohibited hours could lead to loss of licence. Robert Fraser, the licensee in 1925 was able to avoid conviction for serving around 11 pm, thanks in part to the to the threat of the brewers to serve notice to quit themselves if he was found guilty, he being a highly satisfactory tenant. He was let off with payment of costs £4 8s and fines of 4s to two others who aided and abetted.
The White Horse Inn was purchased freehold by Benja Properites Ltd in 2015 and became a restaurant when leased to Prezzo for a period of 30 years from 2005.
I ran the White Horse from 1994 to 1999. Fantastic pub with fantastic customers. Such a wonderful old building with incredible history and it was a great few years!
When we were renovating we found an old book from the 1600s in between flooring joists so I had it mounted in a glass case and fixed to the wall. I hope it’s still there.
So many memories of my teenage years here. It was a beautiful pub. Sad to see its no longer there as a pub.
This was my local when I was a teenage. It was a FANTASTIC pub! No jukebox! Big tables. A warm fire. A beutiful bar. I worked begind the bar for a bit and we used to get American tourist gushing about the history and age of the pub! I just didn’t get it!! Now that I live in the US and this pub predates the war of independence I totally get it. Such a shame it’s been turned into a pizza restaurant
I used to run the white horse for whitbread breweries. Love to see some old pictures…